Monday, May 18, 2015

You are the Fragrance of Christ to God

Scripture tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8). “God's love never fails, never forgets, never compromises, never lies, never lets us down nor disappoints us. His love is consistent, unwavering, unconditional, and unstoppable. Nothing can deter him from ever leaving us, ignoring us, or treating us unkindly. He will love us no matter what. It is his nature to love,” describes Don Swager, author at, the character of God’s love. It sounds incredulous almost like a fairy tale. Is that heretical to say?!

When we look back on the experiences of our own life, we find plenty of reasons why it would be hard to believe that God’s love us unconditionally. The word demands that we earn love – “What have you done for me lately?” Or, “I’ll stay with you as long as you make me happy?” Far too often, the world judges us as to be not rich enough, powerful enough, pretty/handsome enough, funny enough, or famous enough.

When we judge ourselves by our own personal standards we find even more reasons why God’s shouldn’t love us. There seems to be something "broken" inside, something not as it should be that blocks us from knowing deeply God’s love for us. This brokenness carries such names as loneliness, betrayal, rejection, abandonment, and loss. In our woundedness we cry, “Is there anybody who loves me?” “Is there anybody who will stay with me in my darkest moments?” “Is there anybody who can make feel as though I truly belong?”

What is that will bring us more joy, happiness, and contentment in this life now and the next for eternally? A friendship with God. God created us with one purpose: to enter into a loving relationship with him; God offers himself in friendship by giving his heart, mind, and power to dwell within us. God asks us simply to do all things with Him (John 15:9-12).

God loves not because we’re successful by the world’s standards, not because we’ve earned his love by doing good deeds; God loves us freely because that’s the way God is. We call this love grace and it’s a pure gift, freely given without strings attached; it cannot be earned or bought. All we have to do is accept the gift. Sounds easy, but is it really? Have you ever received a gift for absolutely no reason – it’s not your birthday or Christmas. Or worse yet, you receive a gift from someone who you don’t “exchange” presents. How hard is it to accept? Immediately you think, “I don’t deserve this.” Or, “How am I going to reciprocate.”
Jesus was in the home of his special friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Mary boldly poured costly perfumed oil on the feet of Jesus graciously revealing her intense love for Jesus (John 12:2). The whole house was filled with the perfume’s fragrance drawing everyone near to Jesus. The perfume symbolizes Mary’s extravagant love that she gives without reserve. God does not expect us to outmatch his love only that we hold nothing back and love him in return. Mary’s gesture arouses the longing in our heart for God to infuse his love and life of grace within us. Yes, we are broken, but we have hope that God can fix us and we will live whole and free.  God’s grace transforms and sustains us as Christ lives in us, through us, and for us.

St. Paul tells us "We are a sweet fragrance of Christ unto God" (2 Cor 2:15). By our baptism we have the fragrance of Christ infused within us. God’s grace is poured into our hearts and brings us into intimate relationship with our Father. The closer we get to Christ, the more of His fragrance we wear.

Jesus says, “Come, you who are weary. You are enough because I claim you as my own” (Matt 11:28) Despite your faults, despite your failings, despite your weaknesses..... I want you to see what you truly are. . .a beloved child of God! (1: John3:2) You are “fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).  

You are a pleasing aroma because of Christ in you.

Journaling with Jesus

How do you think God sees you?  How do you see God? Is it a positive and loving image or a fear-filled image?  Ask God to show you how much He loves you. 

What do you desire from God this time in your life? Tell Him. What are the most important things, concerns, or questions going on in your life now?  Share them with God. Take a moment to thank God for creating you and revealing Himself to you.


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